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Vario 2 and Vario-Swing
We are pleased to introduce two new system knee joints to you: the NEURO VARIO 2 and the NEURO VARIO-SWING. Index Flexion Adjustment →...

Everything about Neuro Tronic
Index Introduction → Movie guides → Tutorials → Documents → 1. Introduction The NEURO TRONIC knee joint system consists of the following...

Classic-Spring and Vario-Spring 2
We are pleased to present to you two brand new system ankle joints: the NEURO CLASSIC-SPRING and the NEURO VARIO-SPRING 2. As of 3...

Fior & Gentz Webinar
I samarbeid med Fior & Gentz så har vi gleden av å invitere til Webinar med fokus på demontering, montering og vedlikehold av modulære...

Preparing and Mounting
Dear Readers, The topic of today’s issue is the update of the online tutorial “Locked System Knee Joints – Preparing and Mounting the...

Neuro Flex Max, Step Lock
The NEURO FLEX MAX system knee joint is a locked joint, which provides motion control. The patient can unlock it via a lock lever or a...

Neuro Lock H2O
The NEURO LOCK H2O system knee joint is a locked joint which is dirt- and water-resistant thanks to its robust, carbon fibre-reinforced...

Flex Max system knee joint
Our system knee joint NEURO FLEX MAX falls into the category of locked system knee joints. It provides motion control. The NEURO FLEX MAX...

Configurator - New functions
In 4 steps 1 Patient Data We help you to plan the best possible orthosis for your patient. 2 Orthosis Design and System Components The...

Dynamic Dorsiflexion Stop
Dear Readers, In today’s issue, we will cover the safe stance on two legs due to precompressed spring units. We would also like to take...

Dynamic Balance and Stability
Den nye Fior & Gentz flyeren for "Neuro Swing – Dynamic Balance and Stability" er nå tilgjengelig. Du kan lese mye relevant info angående...

Crossroads black
CROSSROADS is an orthosis shoe, which was developed specifically for the demands and needs of people wearing orthoses. It was important...

Montering av Neuro Swing
Husk at Plug + go modularitet betyr at de enkelt og raskt kan konverteres til et hvilket som helst annet ankelledd. For eksempel: NEURO...

Classic H2O og Lock H2O
Det nye kneledd systemet er laget av karbonfiber, er ultralett og tåler vann. Dette gir pasienter fleksibilitet og frihet i hverdagen...

Expertmail - Waterproof system
Waterproof system knee joints NEURO LOCK H₂O and NEURO CLASSIC H₂O Dear Readers, Today, we are happy to present to you two new waterproof...

Takk til alle som deltok
Takk til alle som deltok på vårt webinar! Utrolig gøy med så mange som deltok. Hvis du ønsker å se PDF-presentasjon er den lagt ved. For...

Fior & Gentz Online Education
NEURO SWING – The original alignable ankle joint with truly independently adjustable resistance and range of motion settings Date: June...

New Waterproof Knee Joints
Today, we are happy to present to you two new waterproof system knee joints: the NEURO LOCK H2O and the NEURO CLASSIC H2O. Our two new...

User Story of Milena Danneil
Wears two unilateral AFOs with NEURO SWING H₂O system ankle joints (status as of 2020) About Milena born in 1997 studies orthobionics in...

User Story of Stela
NEURO SWING The video shows a patient with CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease). CMT is a progressive disease of the peripheral nerves....
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