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Vår hverdag på kontor!!
Ortopartner... en film om vår hverdag på kontor!!

Waterproof Knee Joints new size
Now also available in system widths 14mm & 16mm NEURO LOCK H2O The water-resistant NEURO LOCK H2O system knee joint has a locking pawl...

Luneburg med studentene
Ortopartner hadde gleden av å ha med, Ortopediingeniør studentene på bedriftsbesøk, hos Fior & Gentz og Evomotion, i den vakre byen...

The NEURO HiTRONIC is an automatic, electrohydraulic system knee joint for the construction of an orthosis with microprocessor-controlled...

Extending our product range
Until now, the NEURO VARIO 2 and NEURO VARIO-SWING were only available in the system width 20mm. We are now extending our product range,...

Patient with NEURO SWING
User Video – Patient with NEURO SWING Partial Foot Prosthesis, wears a NEURO SWING partial foot prosthesis due to a forefoot amputation...

One System - Many Options
The evomove® is now available in two versions! evomove® solokit The evomove® solokit is considered a solitary solution. With the...

Ortosebrukere + Momentum = <3
Ortosebrukere er hjertelig velkommen i Momentum. I 2021 fyller Momentum 25 år og det ble en skikkelig feiring i Sandefjord! Momentum er...

New evomove® app
You can find it in the App or Play Store under the search term 'evomove'. The configuration is now even easier and faster and it ensures...

Neuro HiSwing
The First Hydraulic Ankle Joint With the Neuro HiSwing, the first hydraulic ankle joint has been developed. In its basic alignment, it is...

Choose the right liner
Socket comfort: complete range from liners to compression therapy With a large selection of silicone and gel liners, application aids,...

Ortopartner AS er fra og med 29.03.2021 sertifisert som Miljøfyrtårn. Miljøfyrtårn er Norges mest brukte sertifikat for virksomheter som...

Streifytec PETG
Improved quality for maximum break resistance – the new Streifytec PETG 111P69 New formulation / quality / recipe of PET which makes the...

Online Workshop 19 March 2021
Online Workshop on Partial Foot Amputations on 19 March 2021 Have you already registered for our free online workshop on partial foot...

Guide to Partial Foot Amputations
We are pleased to present to you the brand new Guide to Partial Foot Amputations – our concept for the prosthetic treatment of patients...

User Story of Jarno
Wears a Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis (KAFO) since the Diagnosis “Incomplete Paraplegia” Family Life with Orthosis Going for a walk, climbing...

Streifeneder kataloger
Alle Streifeneder kataloger er nå tilgjengelig Totalt 4 kataloger Materials & Equipment Prosthetics Lower Limb Machines & Tools Orthotics...

Ankel og kneledd oversikt
Produkt plakater for ankel og kneledd. Størrelse A2 For bestilling av plakater send e-post til eller ring 97 16 07...

Vario 2 and Vario-Swing
We are pleased to introduce two new system knee joints to you: the NEURO VARIO 2 and the NEURO VARIO-SWING. Index Flexion Adjustment →...

Everything about Neuro Tronic
Index Introduction → Movie guides → Tutorials → Documents → 1. Introduction The NEURO TRONIC knee joint system consists of the following...
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