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Fior & Gentz Online Education

NEURO SWING – The original alignable ankle joint with truly independently adjustable resistance and range of motion settings

Date: June 16, 2020

Time: 13:00 -14:00

Conference platform: TEAMS

Please send an e-mail to or call 97 16 07 67 until June 12, 2020. We will send you an invitation/link to join the meeting.


1. Developments from initial introduction in 2010 – Review of 10 years of experience - What makes the NEURO SWING joint superior?

2. Special Features

  • Stiffness and assortment of the springs - the main difference

  • Technical characteristic (sizes, materials, profiles and available stirrups)

  • Water-proof version of the NEURO SWING

  • PLUG & GO

3. Tuning and adjustments of the NEURO SWING 2

  • Bench alignment and individual posture in the negative model

  • Static Alignment

  • Dynamic Alignment

4. Clinical evidence and publications and guides regarding the NEURO SWING System ankle joint

5. Patient cases and videos

6. Conclusion and discussion


Ana Maria von Corvin, MSc Orthotic Rehabilitation Studies / BSc Prosthetics and Orthtotics, FIOR & GENTZ GmbH, Germany

Jörn Kvamme. CEO, Ortopartner, Norway


Åpningstider: Man – Fre, 08:00 – 16:00

Org.nummer: 922 018 863
Juridisk navn: Ortopartner AS
Hovedkontor: Peter Jebsens veg 17, Etasje M, 5265 Ytre Arna
Leveringsadresse: Fabrikkvegen 1, Bygg B, 5265 Ytre Arna

©2019 by Ortopartner

Jørn Kvamme: +47 97 16 07 67 -
Sissel Gulaker: +47 91 16 68 96 -
Christian Grant Hetland: +47 90 07 56 12 -

Marius Kvamme: +47 48 06 40 75 -
Øysten Løland: +47 91 90 30 93 -
Kosta Stanic: +47 47 37 38 64 -

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