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Update Orthosis Configurator

Dear Readers,

We have completed an update of the Orthosis Configurator that will improve your user experience significantly. Our Orthosis Configurator 2.0 provides a new level of speed with the usual reliable functionality.

Efficient Planning with Our Orthosis Configurator 2.0

With the development of the Orthosis Configurator, we pursued the goal of providing you with a modern tool that handles the planning of your orthotic treatments for you. Since the online go a few years ago, we have been working continuously on improving the Orthosis Configurator and opening it up to more user groups via a wider range of features. However, while the sophisticated calculation system always delivers reliable and reproducible results, the growing complexity unfortunately led to a slowdown of the system. The Orthosis Configurator was no longer the convenient tool we had envisioned for our customers. That is why we worked intensively on completing an update that effectively shortens the loading and computing times.

Konfigurator test etter oppdatering, under 10 min

You can find more information about the convenient functions of the Orthosis Configurator in our leaflet.


Åpningstider: Man – Fre, 08:00 – 16:00

Org.nummer: 922 018 863
Juridisk navn: Ortopartner AS
Hovedkontor: Peter Jebsens veg 17, Etasje M, 5265 Ytre Arna
Leveringsadresse: Fabrikkvegen 1, Bygg B, 5265 Ytre Arna

©2019 by Ortopartner

Jørn Kvamme: +47 97 16 07 67 -
Sissel Gulaker: +47 91 16 68 96 -
Christian Grant Hetland: +47 90 07 56 12 -

Marius Kvamme: +47 48 06 40 75 -
Øysten Løland: +47 91 90 30 93 -
Kosta Stanic: +47 47 37 38 64 -

Ortopartner AS er fra og med 29.03.2021 sertifisert som Miljøfyrtårn. Miljøfyrtårn er den første nasjonale ordningen i Europa som er blitt anerkjent av EU. Det er et bevis på at ordningen holder høy miljøstandard og kvalitet på linje med internasjonale merkeordninger (EMAS og ISO 14001)

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